Calendar & planning

"Simplifies Project Planning for Your Business"
The Planning module in Bidmio revolutionizes how you manage your company's projects. It offers a clear, visual overview of your employee resources and the timelines for each project.

Within Bidmio's administration interface, you gain valuable insights into key project details. Easily track which employees are assigned to specific projects, identify the locations of the work, monitor the number of hours dedicated to each project, and stay informed about expected completion dates. This comprehensive view streamlines project management, making it more efficient and effective.

Makes it easy to plan the company's projects

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Calendar & planning

Business Activity Planning Calendar

The integrated planning calendar is central to Bidmio and essential for any company dealing with tasks, orders, and projects. This calendar aggregates all activities, offering an immediate, 100% visual overview of the company’s ongoing, past, and upcoming activities. It’s an indispensable tool for daily operations, ensuring efficient resource planning, ranging from personnel to machinery and vehicles.

3 reasons to use Business Activity Planning Calendar


Individual Calendar Views:

Each employee can easily switch between viewing their personal calendar and the company-wide calendar. The various filters also allow individuals to choose to view only certain types of appointments, avoiding unnecessary clutter in the calendar.


Staff Absence Registration:

As an integrated part of the planning calendar, staff absences are also recorded. A range of absence types, including vacation, compensatory time off, and sickness, are pre-set when the system is first used.


Color Coding for Enhanced Clarity:

To enhance clarity, the calendar uses a set of color codes for different functions, such as project management and task management, indicating the progress of an activity. Colors change whenever an employee updates the status of a project to-do or task.

Empower Your Tradespeople with Mobile Access to Their Cases

Eliminate the hassle of long SMS threads, unread emails, and missed calls that complicate planning. By utilizing Bidmio planning tool for scheduling and assigning new cases, your tradespeople can view their scheduled tasks directly on their tablets or smartphones, even while out in the field.

Bidmio planning calendar is available as both a mobile and web application, offering your employees complete visibility of their calendar and planned orders. This mobile integration ensures that they stay informed and connected, streamlining communication and improving operational efficiency.

    • Create New Tasks Easily

    • Gather Unfinished Tasks
    • Move Planned Tasks or Resources
    • Schedule Hours Directly from Pool Tasks:
    • Plan for Machines/Vehicles and Automatically Include Employees

Easily Rearrange Your Resources.

Sometimes plans change unexpectedly. For such occasions, you can easily shift individual planned resources or the entire case. When a task is moved, employees can immediately see the update in their calendar.

  • Streamline the process of adding new tasks to your system, ensuring a smooth flow of work assignments.
  • Efficiently collect and manage tasks that are not yet completed, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.
  • Flexibly adjust the scheduling of tasks or allocation of resources as needed, adapting to changing circumstances.
  • Allocate hours to tasks from a common pool, simplifying the planning process.
  • Organize scheduling for vehicles and seamlessly integrate employee assignments, enhancing coordination and resource utilization.

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